007 - We Wonder About AI

Jonathan and Caleb discuss how we can use actual robots (artificial intelligence)
Jonathan and Caleb discuss how AI might be helpful for content writing and how agencies might use OpenHouse.social. Also, this episode shouts out to the moms that are listening. Hi Moms!

Also, checkout our Instagram page, @therobotfactorypod for a collection of AI generated alternatives to our podcast cover art. If your interested in AI generated art, we mentioned DALL-E but we also recommend checking out Midjourney

[00:30] We can accept payments now
[06:02] What do real estate marketing agencies do
[16:36] What's left to do

The Product: OpenHouse.social

The Product: OpenHouse.social

Follow Jonathan: @thejonotron
Follow Caleb: @calebissharp

Creators and Guests

Caleb Sharp
Caleb Sharp
Full-stack developer at Two Story Robot
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Founder of Two Story Robot. Developer turned entrepreneur.
007 - We Wonder About AI
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