014 - Coda Packs with Courtney Milligan

How we came up with the idea of building our first revenue generating Coda pack with Courtney Milligan
We lucked into getting our first revenue generating Coda pack more-or-less paid for. Listen as guest Courtney Milligan shares how we build packs for Coda that export data to Excel and Google Workspace.

[00:43] What is Coda
[01:51] Tracking a saw mill in Coda
[05:57] Courtney's background
[08:32] Coda Packs
[16:31] Paid packs
[20:48] Working with Coda

Find our Coda Packs in the Pack gallery:
Export Tables (free): https://coda.io/packs/export-tables-10648
Export Tables Pro: https://coda.io/packs/export-tables-pro-10652
Export to Google Workspace: https://coda.io/packs/export-to-google-workspace-11813

The Product: OpenHouse.social

The Product: OpenHouse.social

Follow Jonathan: @thejonotron
Follow Caleb: @calebissharp

Creators and Guests

Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Founder of Two Story Robot. Developer turned entrepreneur.
014 - Coda Packs with Courtney Milligan
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