026 - We Launch Our Hiring App
caleb: trying to eat oatmeal.
Jonathan: You, you came to
the recording with food,
Daila: At least it's not crunchy food.
Jonathan: I don't like
mouth noises.
caleb: it's cuz I, well, I don't, but
I made this like 20 minutes ago, but
it's so slow to eat with my left hand.
Jonathan: everyone what happened.
Why do you have to eat
with your left hand?
caleb: I I fell off my bike
and I broke, I broke a bone.
Daila: What?
Like pulling tricks or something?
You could make it
caleb: I was just biking.
Daila: Oh.
caleb: Nope, nope.
I was actually coming from Kenna.
I was gonna go bike up around Kenna on
the trails and then, uh, my friend was
downtown so I was gonna go downtown.
So as I was going down, One of the
hills, not a super steep one, thankfully,
but I was just on the sidewalk and
I went to like, pause my music or
whatever on my AirPod, and then I lost
control, went over the handlebars,
like I landed on my right side.
I must have landed on my
Daila: Oh,
caleb: then slid.
So I have some, some, uh, street, street
Daila: someone stop
and carry you?
Oh, nobody stopped.
caleb: I don't think anyone saw.
I hope.
I was able to , I was able to stand up.
I walked back
Daila: oh my gosh.
caleb: er.
Daila: With your bike.
caleb: Yeah, it's not, yeah, and
then I locked it up as I had to
put my bike back together before
I could do that a little bit.
But other than that, but it's not too bad.
I went to physio yesterday, um, and he's
like, yeah, you'll be, you'll be fine.
The fact that there's no cast or surgery
and you just have a sling means it's
Daila: Oh my.
How long do you have to be in the sling?
caleb: In six weeks I'll be totally fine.
Daila: Ah,
Jonathan: sweet.
glad you're
caleb: pretty good.
Jonathan: don't have any
broken teeth, broken face.
Daila: Yeah.
Jonathan: On that note, Caleb, why
don't you, uh, welcome us back?
caleb: Welcome to the Robot Factory
where we talk about software
we're building and trying to sell
Daila: Gosh, that's riveting.
Jonathan: yeah.
Really affected your, your affect.
Daila: that.
caleb: I've gained a new outlook on life.
Some things just don't seem as
Jonathan: showing up
to record our podcast.
What the heck?
Daila: Geez.
Like my job and Money
caleb: My whole life
flashed before my eyes.
Jonathan: well,
Daila: Oh,
Jonathan: I'm, I host Jonathan Bowers.
Daila: I'm Daila Duford.
Jonathan: And then, uh, our broken,
disheveled uninterested
doesn't want to be here.
caleb: I'm Caleb Sharp.
Jonathan: even that sounds disappointed.
Daila: No.
caleb: I'm, I'm Caleb.
Jonathan: Oh my goodness.
Well, I'll give you some updates.
So, uh, I released an episode of the
podcast while we were on retreat.
Daila: Look at you.
Jonathan: edited it in bed.
Daila: Wow.
Jonathan: Yep.
I woke up in the morning, it was super
early and I love sleeping, uh, with
the windows like the, uh, the blinds
open and all the light coming in.
Um, Julie doesn't love that.
She likes to have complete darkness and
I love waking up to the sun cuz it, so,
and I woke up at like four 30 and, uh,
Chris was, uh, Chris was in the room.
Well, we had a, a suite, so he was
in another room and I didn't wanna
make too much noise, so I just
laid in bed and edited the podcast,
released it.
And then I've just about, started,
just about edited the next
one, so I'm almost caught up.
Daila: Wow.
Jonathan: Yeah, so I know what we
can talk about, or at least I know
what we shouldn't talk about because
we'll have repeated ourselves,
uh, too much.
Anyways, we were on retreat last week.
We had pretty much everyone on the team.
Unfortunately one of our
teammates, uh, recently.
Had to move back to Greece and then,
uh, it was quite jet laggy, didn't
wanna do that to herself again.
Um, so she didn't, she didn't
attend, but she had a good time.
She went to, uh, Cyros.
It's an island in Greece.
I looked at it.
We had, we had a meeting just
before this, so I was scoping it out.
It's a cool island.
Uh, she says you can drive across it
in half an hour, 20 minutes by car.
Um, it's got a population
of 20, 30,000 people.
Looks lovely.
She says we should have our
retreat there next year,
and I want to
really badly, so we need to
make happy hire, make enough
money so that we can go to Greece.
Daila: that would be very happy.
Jonathan: everyone can go to Greece.
But yeah.
Um, yeah, we just got back from
our retreat in Summerland, British
Columbia, which was perfect weather.
Um, Perfect.
I don't know.
I thought it was perfect.
What did you, what did
you think Dela and Caleb?
I mean, you had a, you had a,
you had use of both of your arms.
Daila: I, yeah.
Well, Caleb did at that point too.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Daila: Um, but yeah,
it was, it was perfect.
You know what, it was lovely
caleb: it was very nice.
I enjoyed biking with freedom of motion.
Daila: Yeah, that was great.
I, I just, I love when we're all together.
Um, I like when I'm with anybody
else who's a human , so having
everybody, I was, I was in a
pretty good mood the whole time.
It was wonderful.
Jonathan: Yeah, I mean, you, you
are the one who loves to be around
other people all the time, and we
made you sleep in a room by yourself,
Daila: I know, I did
feel that was a little,
Jonathan: odd numbers, so
yeah, that wasn't targeted.
It just sort of happened that way.
Daila: I feel like you were just
like trying to make me expand my
Jonathan: Oh yeah.
Daila: resiliency.
Jonathan: was,
yeah, It
Daila: was, it was a coaching thing.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Daila: I was pretty lonely.
Um, but it was okay cuz Caleb showed
up one morning and watched cartoons
in the living room while I got ready
and it felt like my kids were there.
Oh, so I appreciated that, Caleb.
It was nice.
caleb: You're welcome.
You're the only one
that answered the door.
I think everyone else was.
Daila: Okay.
Yeah, everybody's super athletic.
I did feel like I was so tired when I
got home trying to keep up with you all.
Jonathan: Were you, I mean,
that was, that was not the goal.
Daila: No, like it in,
it was in a good way.
Oh no, the e-bike was fine.
I think it was the paddle
boarding, cuz uh, I'm not, I'm
not a great paddle boarder.
Um, but it was super fun and, and
I like doing that stuff, but, Maybe
Steve and I particularly were like,
yeah, trying to up our game because
cuz yeah, you all are very athletic.
Courtney's like, I'm gonna
go on a, on a quick swim.
It's two kilometers.
Jonathan: Did she go on a swim?
Daila: um, yeah, her and Kaileen went on a
light two kilometer swim, um, right after
her, her a hundred kilometer bike ride.
So . Anyways, but I didn't feel like
I was trying to keep up with you.
I, I, we were, Steve and I
were like pushing ourselves to.
Jonathan: Oh, nice.
Daila: Keep up with the youngins
Jonathan: The youngins.
Daila: it was super fun and it was good.
Jonathan: Was there
any highlights for you, either of you?
Daila: I don't know.
The whole thing was just
like super relaxing and nice.
The e e-bike trip was cool.
caleb: Yeah, I would say
getting sloshed,
Daila: Did you actually
feel like you got tipsy?
I was.
We were wine tasting, just for
clarification to everybody listening.
caleb: we're wine tasting and then.
And I got a big
Jonathan: Oh, that's
Daila: Oh,
Jonathan: did get a, that was
a big, that was a big thing
caleb: Cuz it's, cuz it's,
and it's like, cuz it's like
Jonathan: were.
caleb: So
Jonathan: A little on the wobbly side.
caleb: it was awesome.
Jonathan: no.
maybe that's, maybe that's
Daila: should start drinking Well,
Jonathan: before biking.
caleb: Ah, that's a good idea.
My mom would love
Daila: not encouraging that.
Caleb's mom.
caleb: Yeah.
No, no, I'm not gonna do that.
Jonathan: that Wink.
He winks,
caleb: No, I didn't.
Why would you
say that?
Jonathan: I have to, I have to visually
des I have to describe all the visuals.
caleb: man.
Jonathan: I, uh, shoot, what
was I
Daila: what are we talking about?
You said
Jonathan: Oh yeah.
Daila: and now.
Jonathan: yeah.
So the, let's, let's get to business here.
the last two episodes we've
talked about the hiring app.
Daila: Yes.
Jonathan: Since then actually,
cuz we, we haven't really recorded
much, uh, the last two episodes.
There's been quite a gap between
those recordings, but a lot
has happened in that time.
So one, we have actually decided
on a name and it's not recruit
radar because that felt to military
to, I don't know, too targety.
Um, not really what we were going for.
Uh, Ooh.
Uh, so last time we did like drum
roll and I really loved finding
the drum roll and putting it in.
So, uh, shall we Drum roll.
Daila: Yes.
Jonathan: Okay.
Drum roll
Future me not, no, not, no, no, no.
Not a real drum roll.
but you've told me not to cut
anything, so guess what I'm doing?
I'm not cutting
Yes, you did.
said Don't cut this.
Don't cut that.
I've got evidence of you saying that.
And so guess what, I'm leaving it all in.
So that part where you winked
and said you're gonna be
getting drunk before going
biking and down a down
a big mountain that's in for
your mom and.
So is this little
drum roll
caleb: way more entertaining.
Jonathan: podcast is a mess.
It's devolved
into just complete mayhem
Here's the drum roll insert.
Drum roll.
And then the, we, we can do
a little bit of drumming.
well I'll do it.
We'll, I'll do it all.
caleb: now?
Daila: Ready?
Jonathan: drum roll and,
caleb: Okay.
Jonathan: okay.
What's the name?
Daila: Oh, I forgot what
we're talking about.
Happy Hire.
I like that.
I like the.team.
Jonathan: a modern, very modern
Daila: We're very hip, but yeah.
And it's live well, like the,
the landing page is live.
Jonathan: Oh yeah.
Daila: It's there.
The, the rest is almost, we're
just doing some, some final tweaks.
caleb: Can't type with one
Jonathan: Happy
caleb: happy hire team.
I haven't seen this
Jonathan: we've got
caleb: give you my live reaction.
Jonathan: Give us your live reaction.
Uh, you have to speak,
you can't
Daila: You can't nod.
Jonathan: Uh,
caleb: Oh, I was just doing what I
normally do when I go to a website
Jonathan: talk it out loud.
All your thoughts, everything
that's going through your head.
caleb: Okay.
Happy Hire.
The logo is
Jonathan: You don't have
to describe the website.
You need to des I
Daila: Your
Jonathan: your,
your reaction to it.
caleb: a slenderman,
slenderman vibe I would say.
Bias free hiring.
Ah, what does that mean,
Daila: doesn't it say right below it.
caleb: It says Build the team as unique
Jonathan: Oh, that's a fun little tagline.
Who came up with that?
Daila: Oh me, Steve and Maria had
this fun like walkthrough and think
of everything that it's written, and I
was pretty happy with how it came out.
We were like spitballing
Jonathan: Spit
What else, Caleb, what else do you see?
caleb: Collaborate with your
team as you rate anonymous.
Applicant responses.
Jonathan: Is that true?
, you don't really collaborate like you do.
You do have your team come in and rate,
but okay.
Daila: Wouldn't you
call that collaboration?
You're all doing it at
Jonathan: I think of collaboration as
like, Hey, what do you think about this?
And then somebody's like, well, let
me tell you about that, and then
somebody, you know, uh, but no,
I'll, I'll, I'll accept your
definition of collaboration.
Daila: good.
caleb: Find the next great fit
for your company's culture.
Letting your values lead the way.
Discover a more inclusive way to hire.
Jonathan: we've chatted
now with a few, with a few people.
I think the value proposition here is not
necessarily values based hiring, but it's
the diversity, equity and inclusion piece.
I think that's more interesting
to potential customers.
Um, I think the, like, values piece
and, and, and we've kind of anticipated
that a little bit because you don't
need to have you don't need to have
values in order to hire this way.
Um, you don't need to have like, values
based questions in order to hire this way.
But, um, you, I'm, I'm interested
to see what, what other people start
to think once they start to use it.
Uh, but yeah, some of the initial
conversations we've had, it seems like
the diversity d e I piece is, is the.
Potentially more valuable bit.
And um, that I think opens us
up to, uh, a larger market.
Daila: Yes, I would agree with that.
I, I do think.
That a combination also makes it valuable
because there's other people who do the,
the bias free thing in a different way.
Um, I think that, yeah, we, we bring,
uh, a cool perspective to that, but the
fact that you can tie in the values if
you want, and we kinda show how to do
that, that you don't see all the time.
And for certain people, certain
companies, certain organizations,
that's gonna be appealing.
Jonathan: yeah.
I think that if somebody had, like, if a
company had their values well-defined, I.
And are interested in diversity.
I, I, I think that the diversity
piece is the, is the thing that
that's gonna, that's gonna sort
of, Appeal, appeal to folks.
So I'm, yeah, I'm really interested
in exploring this some more.
So we've got it lo we've got
the, the landing page launched.
Um, we went through a little bit
of internal testing just to see
if things are working correctly.
So a few fixes, uh, a few things
that Clark is going to adjust.
Um, we have a sense on the
timeline on, on that cuz uh,
I have a meeting to today or tomorrow,
I can't remember, with a client, with
or with a, with a customer about this.
Daila: yeah.
Um, I mean, he's working
full-time on it right now, so
I'll, I'll check in with him.
So, should be pretty quick.
Jonathan: Yeah, I would, I can't
imagine it's gonna be forever cuz
didn't think that long to build the Yeah.
Um, yeah.
So we've got, uh, the HR person
that, uh, I've chatted with, she
introduced me to, to someone.
Um, they're an environmental
consulting agency of some sort.
so seems like an organization
that would be very values first.
Uh, had a peek at their
website, their, um, team page.
Uh, That visually looks quite diverse.
Um, lots of women I noticed,
uh, on, on their team, which
is, which is pretty cool to see.
Uh, yeah, so we'll see.
We'll see where that goes.
Um, and I've, I've got an
idea for another, um, for
another potential customer.
A friend of mine, um, I helped
them once with their website, uh,
particularly posting job postings.
They're very values oriented,
but they hire a ton of people.
Daila: Oh, that's
Jonathan: dozens and dozens.
Daila: Really.
Jonathan: Yeah.
And they're very, yeah,
they're very values oriented.
And just recently, um, the only reason
I thought about it is cuz he was
tweeting something about, um, valuing
diversity in their hiring practices.
And I thought, oh yeah, let's, uh, I
should go talk with, uh, talk with him.
So I'm gonna send him a little message
here soon and see what he thinks.
Daila: Cool.
Jonathan: You followed up with
your, with your HR person?
Daila: Uh, I am today.
It's a to-do list it.
But, uh, I mean, I, I have talked
to her a couple times, but the
landing page wasn't live yet,
Jonathan: Yeah.
Daila: so as soon as it went live,
then I was reaching out to her.
So I will today.
Jonathan: And then we can loop
back, loop Chad back in on
Daila: Yes.
Jonathan: See, see what he thinks.
Daila: Yeah, it's neat cause
we're close to, I mean, our first
product that's usable by anybody.
Jonathan: Yeah.
No, it's, yeah, it's really,
it's really exciting.
I, I'm keen to explore it.
The, um, It was funny, uh, one of the
conversations I had, I, I had mentioned in
the podcast I was gonna talk with Sadie,
who helped us define our team values.
Uh, and then we started talking
about commu the community that
we want to build around this
potentially, and how she could help.
Um, so if we've, you know, one of
the ideas that we have is that if
somebody's not quite right, Quite ready
to hire this way, um, or needs to do
a bit more work in sort of figuring
out that they wanna be values oriented
aren't totally sure what to do.
Um, we want to get something at least
ready so that if somebody says, I
really want to do this, but I like, I
need, I need some help to get there,
um, we've got some resources that we
can give them right away to say, oh,
like, let's just like talk with, you
know, we've got a consultant here that
can help you work through this, just
a whole like program to, to help you
sort some of this out and it doesn't
even need to be that expensive or that
costly, um, just a couple of hours to.
At least get your feet wet.
Um, so we're sorting that out.
But part, part of that, uh, kind of
got a little outta control and we were
just thinking of other things and, um,
it's led to us probably moving offices.
Uh, it, it's a whole like, sort of
chain of thought that led to that,
but um, I think we're gonna move in
uh, yeah.
Daila: Yeah.
Jonathan: super fun.
So trying to, trying to sort that
out to, uh, some new office space.
Um, hopefully by the time this is
out, we'll have figured that out.
Okay, well that's kind of it.
That's all I had.
I think we need to talk about
anything else that makes sense
Daila: I don't think so.
I think HappyHire's our focus right
now and the closest we've got to
actually fulfilling the podcast goal.
Um, so let's stick with it.
Jonathan: Yeah.
No, I think we, I think we're, I
think we're, I think we're close.
mean, I don't know, who knows?
Maybe we're super far away and this
also doesn't work and we gotta go
figure something else out.
But we at least have a bit of a strategy
now on how to, how to assess and how to
validate and what to do, um, so we don't
just keep something going along forever.
Daila: yeah, yeah, exactly.
Jonathan: Yep.
Daila: Learning our process.
Jonathan: HappyHire.team.
Do we want the listeners to do anything?
Like we've also been
asking them to do stuff
Daila: Yeah.
Well, heck, go and look
at the landing page.
Send us any feedback.
Jonathan: I want, yeah,
I want some feedback.
Give us
some feedback.
Um, if you can't figure out how to get
ahold of us, uh, info@twostoryrobot.com.
Uh, yeah, give us some
feedback on the landing page.
Would love to know if you know anybody
who is going to do some hiring and is
interested in being more values oriented,
either in their hiring practice, in their
organization itself, or just looking to
hire in a more diverse and inclusive way.
Um, we'd love to chat about that.
You've been listening
to, the Robot Factory.
I've been your host, Jonathan Bowers.
Daila: I'm Daila Duford.
caleb: And I'm Caleb Sharp.
