The Robot Factory Trailer

Introducing The Robot Factory! A new podcast by Two Story Robot. We are sharing our journey as we attempt to build and sell a new startup.

jonathan: Hey, this is The
Robot Factory, a new podcast.

By Two Story Robot, a small software
design agency based in Kamloops, BC.

I am one of your hosts, Jonathan Bowers,
CEO, and founder of Two Story Robot.

Also do some software
development, a little bit design.

Mostly I am just the boss.

Uh, but with me on this
journey is Caleb Sharp.

Track 1: Hi, I'm Caleb i, uh, am also at
Two Story Robot doing mostly development.

Uh, I like to think
I'm the muscles behind.

I do all the heavy lifting.


You're the ideas guy.

And then I do all the work.

jonathan: Oh, I don't
want to be the ideas guy.


Track 1: No, no one wants
to be the ideas guy.

jonathan: What is the
point of this podcast?

Track 1: the point of this podcast is to
hopefully build some products in the open

and hopefully sell at least one thing.

jonathan: And we are going to share the
journey as much as we can, or as much as

we want to, um, with behind the scenes
insight into how, how we approach this.

Uh, this is all very new to us.

We've never done anything
like this before.

Um, so we hope you enjoy the journey.

Creators and Guests

Caleb Sharp
Caleb Sharp
Full-stack developer at Two Story Robot
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Founder of Two Story Robot. Developer turned entrepreneur.
The Robot Factory Trailer
Broadcast by