009 - We Replace a Host

Jonathan and Caleb discuss the idea of pivoting to a property management solution and brining on a new co-host.
Fresh off a trip to Disneyland, Caleb discovers he might be replaced as co-host of the podcast. Jonathan and Caleb decide it's probably best to just add more hosts and pivot to property management. We also talk about road signs.

[00:27] Welcome back from Disneyland, Caleb
[01:54] Caleb thinks he's getting replaced
[03:48] We learn about the gap in property management software
[09:31] On road construction signs
[12:56] Tweaking the music for the podcast
[15:33] More ideas about automation

The Product: OpenHouse.social

The Product: OpenHouse.social

Follow Jonathan: @thejonotron
Follow Caleb: @calebissharp

Creators and Guests

Caleb Sharp
Caleb Sharp
Full-stack developer at Two Story Robot
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Founder of Two Story Robot. Developer turned entrepreneur.
009 - We Replace a Host
Broadcast by